I came to yoga in search of deepening my own path of healing nearly 20 year ago. I was unhappy, unfulfilled, and I was experiencing emotional pain in a way that I couldn’t admit or face. This played out in unproductive ways in my life, and I often found myself in self-sabotaging situations that deepened my dissatisfaction.
Although I did not uncover every solution on my mat, I was intrigued with what I was learning and I was committed and determined to grow. I found a focus. The more disciplined I became with my practice, the more I started to see my path unfold.
I had always had a desire to help others in an intentional way, and yoga seemed a true place to start. As years went by in the seat of a teacher, I found myself transforming in both mind, body, and spirit. I stood rooted in curiosity with a touch of a rebellious spirit, and I questioned more than I accepted. I wanted to really understand how I could help students who were experiencing their own pain. I sought out teachers who could help me understand how breath and movement could be functional, therapeutic, and healing.
As a Holistic Yoga Therapist™, I work privately with clients of various backgrounds, and with a variety of ailments. I enjoy the opportunity to share the knowledge I've gained over the years, meeting clients where they are, holding space with whatever they bring into the room, and helping to empower them to be a part of their own healing process. The experience of helping others in this way, brings so much meaning and purpose into my life. It keeps me motivated to continue my own work, so that I am clear and authentic. I am continually studying, reviewing, and practicing my craft which keeps me intellectually stimulated, honest and humble in the ways that I can help each person I professionally meet.
I restore myself by carving out personal time (which is not always an easy task as a mother), and I balance that by spending time with my family, and close circle of friends all whom I cherish deeply. I LOVE to cook (and eat well), and get a lot of enjoyment nourishing my family with good food. I prioritize getting good sleep, moving my body in various ways, spending time playing outdoors, and seeking adventure through music and travel. I wake up early each morning to read, write, and practice the rituals that support my own deeper work; all with the intention of living a true and authentic life that allows me to show up in the ways I need to for those I love, and those I'm honored to work with professionally.
My formal education and qualifications follow:
National Council of Sports & Fitness Personal Training Certification (In progress)